"Count Your Blessings & Smile"
by:  George Formby  May 31, 1940

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Ancient Grains ~ Heirloom Grains
Though ancient grains like Quinoa, Emmer, Farro, Spelt, Khorasan (Kamut) may be new to many of us,
they have actually been around for centuries. As a matter of fact Emmer/Farro was eaten on a daily basis
by ancient Egyptians and is considered the first grain to be cultivated.

MAIN-Ancient Grains
Teff Pluim Eragrostis
Love Grass
World's Smallest Cereal
Super Grain
Sorghum Spelt Spring Farro 
Chia Seeds  Kamut
Khorasan Wheat Berries 
Wheat Berries Sprouted Spelt Berries Millet
Buckwheat Amaranth Oats
Freekeh Green Wheat ~ Gruenkern Bulgur Wheat Berries
Einkorn Wheat Black Winter Emmer Wheat Minnesota Wild Rice
Popped Amaranth Amaranth Cereal Sorghum in the Field
Millo-Sorghum Shallu Egyptian Wheat Farrotto